Thursday, August 9, 2018

TTS Notebook #8 - Pratical Sewing - Tool Belts

It is fun to take a simple sewing idea and enhance it with your own creativity.

I chose a nail apron from Lowe’s Hardware for inspiration for my tool belts.

I used fabric designs with mathematical measurements and angles and formulas plus wood grain patterns for pockets over a heavy canvas back.

A friend suggested I add a loop for a hammer at the side.  Some are on the right and some are on the left.

I had fun playing with the different fabric combinations to create pockets, pencil holders and loops.

The heavy canvas is from a bolt which my husband bought at an auction.

I wash each section as I am ready to use it.  That is what gives it the frayed look.

The straps are folded over twice and stitched twice with a zigzag stitch.

I chose mesh for a contrast in texture for one tool belt, along with a celebration of the Texas origins of one of the recipients.

I had a lot of fun playing with the various fabrics and creating new sets of pockets where I could.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 28, 2018

TTS Notebook #7 More Canning

The first canning of the season was blueberries, followed by blackberries.

Next was peaches.

Today, we picked up strawberries, more blueberries, mangoes and assorted fruits and vegetables.

The mangoes need to ripen.

The additional blueberries are cooking with honey and cinnamon.

Mostly, I don’t add sweeteners, because once you give up sugar, you can taste the flavors of each food more distinctly.

A composite fruit mixture consisting of pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and plum will be canned when there is room on the stove.

The vegetables will be combined into a chicken soup.  

They include carrots, celery, and yellow squash.

There were no onions in this collection, so I will get some for the soup.

I am thawing chicken broth while I wait for more room on the stove.

Potatoes are baking.  Some will go in the soup along with a jalapeƱo pepper.

One adds just the right amount of heat.

I love the feeling of abundance and its accompanying freedom.

Yes, I know, it is possible to buy one meal at a time or a week’s worth of groceries to cook.

I prefer the feeling of overflowing goodness and its accompanying happiness.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Regenerative Organic Certification

There are three main components of Regenerative Organic Certification.

It starts with soil welfare, to farm in a way which continuously build up the soil.  Organic matter is used to sequester carbon.

Creating biodiversity protects from mono-cropping, where one crop depletes the soil.  Biodiversity adds components from many different plant sources and insures that much of the crop will be able to withstand multiple challenges.

Animal welfare is ensured through humane treatment, which includes placing animals in appropriate outdoor environments, i.e. pasture grazing, in order to receive the nutrients they need and to deposit their own manures to help build enriched soil.  They are kept free of distress along with disease.

Worker and farmer fairness are achieved by paying living wages, and improving the social and economic position of all agricultural employees.

There are many steps to achieving a thoroughly integrated practice so that the work of growing food is healthy for all those involved.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Potatoes the Next Year

I planted potatoes late in the season and watched the leafy tops appear over a period of several weeks.

Then I realized they had disappeared…

As it was very late in the season by them, and I felt timid about disturbing the soil, I left the area alone.

The next year, those leafy tops regrew.

After they turned yellow and fell over, I trimmed them and dug into the straw I had planted them in.

Sure enough, there were potatoes!

I have left just a couple of potatoes in the ground.

Perhaps they will grow again next year.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

TTS Notebook #6 Canning Season Has Begun

The canning season has started. We were down to one pint of tomato salsa. We got 40 pounds of tomatoes from a local organic farmer so now we are up and running. I will get 60 more pounds to complete tomatoes. We were completely out of berry preserves, but now we have 9, half- pints, made from 20 fresh pints of blueberries. We will can an addition 5 pints of blueberries and 4 quarts of blackberries and hopefully more for this season. We are down to 20 pints of cherries, grapes and apples. We still have green peppers, beets, Brussel sprouts, and a few quarts of bone broth.

Mini-Farming Chapter 2 Notes

Chapter 2

P. 14 - A business in that by reducing food expenditures, it contributes financially to the family.

p. 15 - Grow from seed.

Hybridized seeds

p. 16 - Living mulch from intensive planting

1,400 square feet per person will produce enough vegetables and compost crops.  For three people, that equals 1/10 acre.

p. 17 - soil fertility through compost

calorie-dense crops - fruit, dried beans, grains, root crops such as potatoes and onions.

Raising Meat - poultry foraging plus raising extra food for them

Plant fruit - berries and grapes

p. 18 - grow market crops 2,100 square feet would gross an average of $11,289/yr. or $5/square foot

p. 19 - extending the season through hoop houses and cold frames

Understand local community - direct sell crops and value-added pickles, salsas and vinegars

p. 20 - 21 economics of mini-farming 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Mini-Farming, Chapter 1 Notes

I have started annotating Mini-Farming, by Brett L.Markham, as I read it.  If you would like to read my notes, here is Chapter 1.  I will post again when I have more to add.

Chapter 1
p.8  - A 3,500 square foot intensive garden will produce the same yield as an acre farmed intensively.

Trellises should be constructed on the north side of raised beds in order not to shade out other crops.

p. 10 - A starting value for two-dimensional plant spacing is the within row thinning distance specific on the seed package for optimal yields also in a raised-bed intensive system.  

p. 11 - Fine tune according to soil and climate.

Do not grow carrots in anything close to fresh manure!


© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#5 TTS Notebook - Threading a Larger Loom

I love learning to weave.  My first projects have been scarves on a four-shaft loom.

I was inspired by an account in the Foxfire series about a woman who wove a slip which she was still wearing after forty years.

I decided I wanted to make fabric for a dress.  To do so, I needed to make a much wider project.

I created the warp for a 45 inch, eight shaft loom, my first experience creating such a large project.

I began threading the warp through the metal heddles.

Here is what is left to thread, now that I have started.

Tying groups of thread together so they don't pull back out! 

I did finish the threading process and now I am ready to start tying each group of threads to the back beam so I can roll them around it to start weaving from the front beam.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

#4 TTS Notebook - Brief Review of “Collapse Weave”

“Collapse Weave”, Creating Three-Dimensional Cloth
by Anne Field

I picked up this book because I loved the pictures of all the different textured cloth on the cover.

Inside are so many wonderful descriptions of how to create specific forms of all these delightful weaves.

The author covers the basics of yarn and warping and presents specific drafts.

My favorite comment about yarn is the use of possum as 70% of the mix, since apparently, there is a large and disturbing population of possums.

The qualities of yarns, rayon, wool, possum*, cotton, passive and active are discussed.

*(New Zealand possum is a much larger rodent than the North American one.  It has long, lustrous hair/fur and is not native to New Zealand where it has been destroying the vegetation and is therefore available to hunt and use the hair/fur for weaving.)

Weave structure illustrated with photos and drafts gives a great comparison so you can see the results before you start.

There is a chapter on four-shaft double weave, and it is followed by a chapter on eight to sixteen shaft double-weave with supplemental warps if you are feeling really adventurous.

Even more texture can be created using the techniques in the chapter called “Bumps, Lumps and Spaces”.

Finishing techniques are described and photographed, along with some of the most beautiful clothing.

For me, because I love texture so much, this is a very inspiring book.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, February 8, 2018

#3 TTS Notebook - Developing Sustainable Food Practices

A couple of people commented on-line that they are seeing a dramatic increase in the cost of food.  As this continues, the sustainable practices I began learning eight years ago are paying off well.

This is to be expected as the cost of fossil fuels continues to climb.  Big Agriculture is completely dependent on large farming machines and oil-based fertilizers.

There are several ways you can begin your own sustainable practices and also improve the quality of your food.

Here are the steps I have been taking over the last eight years.

As I have always wanted to homestead, it was easy to begin by learning how to can foods.  The first thing I learned from a friend was how to make fruit jams and jellies.  Since I am impatient, I ended up making fruit preserves since they take less cooking time.  

You can make these easily for yourself using a Boiling Water Bath Canner.  It, and the supplies you need, are sold in local grocery stores which carry canning supplies.  You can also find them in farm stores and, of course, on-line.

When you can, buy food in bulk to reduce your cost.  When you start canning, this means you will have to spend the time chopping up your fruit in order to can it.  This is the most time consuming step.  You may welcome the opportunity to do this in a group to split the cost of forty pounds of apricots, and also to enjoy the company and conversation of like-minded people.  We are eating the very last pint of apricot jam from our original forty pounds five years later!

When you buy your canning supplies, get a copy of the “The Blue Book Guide to Canning” published by Ball Canning Jars.  It will be in the same area in your local grocery store.  Follow those recipes and guidelines until you get comfortable with the process.  Then you will enjoy exploring some other sources.

In order to start canning some vegetables, you will need a Pressure Canner.  This is different from a pressure cooker.  Once again, chopping and cutting up vegetables will take up the bulk of the canning process time until you place your jars in the canner.  The times required for canning under pressure are different and often many times longer than the times required for foods that are safe to preserve using Boiling Water Bath guidelines.  Pay attention!  We are talking food safety here!

Another excellent source for learning about canning is the on-line course from the National Center for Home Food Preservation (  These will teach you tested procedures for the foods listed.  There are lots of  on-line groups who share recipes and experiences.  Be sure to can what your family likes to eat, but also add new flavors and spices from time to time so you don’t experience appetite fatigue.  Try out a small batch of something new and if your family likes it, you can make a double batch and can it the next time.

My favorite type of food to preserve is soups and stews.  Once they are in pints, they become my MIJs, or Meals-in-Jars.  Since they involve many different foods, I can for the most time required by a specific food.  For most meats, that means seventy-five minutes once the canner has reached the required pressure. 

Also, as they are in glass pint jars, I can take off the metal ring and lid and heat them up in a microwave for about one minute, since they are at room temperature.  It also makes it so easy to carry food with me when I am running errands.  I don’t have to take time out to go to a restaurant or stand in line to get fast food.  I am eating my own, responsibly sourced, excellent quality food.

To get healthy food, start at the Farmers Market.  There are also several on-line services which offer food delivered to your home.  Check with the farmers about buying in bulk.  For instance, to make salsa, you do not need the best-looking tomatoes.  Ask for “seconds”.

You may like to set up a buyers club with several friends, from two to six families, to buy meat in bulk if that is part of your diet.  My family of two adults bought half a pig from a local farmer and another family of two adults we know bought the other half.  We chose a processor, paid the farmer by weight, paid the processor by weight and were able to choose the cuts we wanted and how we wanted them processed.  My price of pork chops, brats, roasts and bacon dropped from $8-$10 per pound to $3.50-$4.50 per pound.  It has taken almost a year to eat one hundred pounds of meat.  To split a cow, I will need four of us to go in on it.  I am making reservations two years in advance with a friends’s friend who has started raising beef.

Finally, grow your own.  The easiest way to start is in containers.  Use plastic tubs and buy or mix your own organic soil mix.  Make your own compost from your kitchen scraps while you are at it.  You can start vermi-composting with worms right in your kitchen.  It is a very sanitary process and very responsible.  Your kitchen scraps are no longer going to the landfill in non-decomposable plastic bags.  Instead, they are feeding worms which will turn the scraps into worm castings which will fertilize the plants in your containers.  You can also start a compost pile in your backyard using one of the many composters available or build your own.

Learn about growing by using intensive garden spacing.  With the value of nutrient dense soil, with your compost and worm castings, you will see production in a small area which is able to feed you and your family quite nicely.  Of course, you can start small with just one raised garden bed, and then add to it each year until you are confidently producing good quality food for your family.

Get a plot in a community garden so you can learn from other gardeners.  Share your yard with friends who live in apartments.  Share the work and celebrate the harvest with pot luck dishes you have actually grown for yourself.

The rising food prices can be seen as an opportunity which moves you toward more responsibility for your own food and contributes to a self-sustaining life.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 5, 2018

#2 TTS Notebook - Clothing/Knit

In the category of clothing, the first self-sustaining skill listed is knitting.
I learned how to knit while taking a long distance car trip with my family.  My mother taught me how to knit using red yarn.  I was supposed to be making a pot holder.  As I kept dropping stitches and knitting more and more tightly, its shape changed from a square to a trapezoid.  I made many such trapezoids until I learned to control the tension of the yarn.

I learned both English style “throwing the yarn” and German, or Continental style.  I can still knit both ways, although I prefer Continental.

As I explore knitting with you, I have been thinking of easy ways to make clothing.  Although I can follow some patterns, I have been looking for easier ways which do not depend upon that bit of specialized knowledge. 

I designed and knitted and lined and now wear, a coat based on ten-stitch strips, knitted on size 13 needles with a double strand of yarn for extra warmth.  I published the article describing what to do on Ravelry, (“My First 10-Stitch Coat”)a website for knitters and crocheters, and also on my blog.

I am currently working on a ribbed sweater to replace a very worn one.  I have been “messing around” with it for a couple of years.  I am almost finished, maybe.  It is a twelve-stitch ribbed knit, two knit, two pearl design.  I am still adding to the sleeves.
By looking at the simplest elements in clothing, the overall shapes can be reduced to rectangles of different sizes.  That is how I begin.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

#1 TTS Notebook

When I studied "The Transition Handbook" by Rob Hopkins, with a small group, beginning in 2010, we discovered a Skills Inventory in one of the Study Guides.

In this notebook, I intend to explore the list of Transition Skills as thoroughly as possible and to share my findings on Facebook in Transition Town Skills. It is my intent to make it easier for people to find sources to help develop their own abilities toward a more self-sustaining way of life. (